Reasons to Choose a Screw Drive Garage Door Opener!

A screw drive garage door opener has been around for more than a century, but you may have never heard of them. But definitely, you have seen one in action. Meanwhile, chain- or belt-driven openers have been the two most popular options for homeowners interested in automating a garage door. However, that has changed with […]

Smart Garage Door Opener: Things To Consider Before Buying

Things You Should Know Before Buying A Smart Garage Door Opener

As technology progresses, homeowners have more opportunities to use smart technology. Having a smart garage door opener is an excellent example of this. Garage door openers are now much more than just door openers. They now come with better features, including improved security and systems that allow users to manage them via smartphone apps. Thus, […]

How To Ensure Your Garage Door Sensors Are Keeping You Safe

The overhead garage door is one of the largest and heaviest home equipment you regularly use. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that all the components in your garage door system are in good working condition to ensure garage door safety. The safety sensors on your garage door are one of those small but crucial […]

Why You Should Never Ignore a Faulty Garage Door Opener

The typical overhead garage door weighs between 130 and 400 pounds. Much of the door’s safety features are governed by one crucial component—the garage door opener. All residential garage openers in the US must have safety features that prevent the door from crashing and injuring someone. If federal organizations recognize the importance of a fully […]

Advantages of Garage Door Keypads

Garage door keypads are one of the most popular ways to upgrade a garage door opener. You can install these devices directly onto new and existing garage doors. These handy tools allow users to manage their garage without worrying about losing their keys or leaving one at home. A garage door keypad has the same […]